Nov 11, 2014
Responsive Web Design Adoption, 2014
Responsive Web Design is hot. Practically every company I speak to, around the globe, is either going responsive, has gone responsive, or – at the very least – giving it serious consideration. So, with all this buzz, how many websites are actually responsive?
Jan 9, 2014
RWD Ratio in Top 100,000 websites - refined
A few weeks ago I posted the results of a research testing the top 10,000 websites for responsive indicators. The test showed roughly 12% of these sites were responsive, a ratio that was fairly consistent across the top 100, 1,000 and 10,000 sites.
Dec 18, 2013
Roughly 1 in 8 websites is Responsive
I’ve been on a bit of a quest to find out how many responsive websites are out there. In a recent post, I describe a decent way to track the adoption rate of the “One Web” concept, but that technique doesn’t work well for tracking responsive design.
Dec 4, 2013
RWD and “One Web” Adoption Rates
Responsive Web Design has been discussed for about 3 years now, and this year really felt like the tipping point for it. Pretty much any organization I talked to is doing something about it, with progress ranging from a launched site, through a budgeted plan, to at least having some executive support.
Nov 26, 2013
Top 5 Tips for Making Fast RWD Sites
I was recently asked to provide a list of 5 tips for making Responsive websites fast. I’m usually not a fan of such “top 5” lists, feeling they over-simplify concepts that are quite complex (I definitely spend a good chunk of my time talking about this topic). However, as I wrote the tips it actually felt like 5 was the perfect number for the tips I had in mind, and that they did manage to paint a complete picture.
Sep 19, 2013
Walking on the Edge(s)
In the next 3 weeks, I’ll have the luxury of attending four awesome web conferences, two of which – somewhat unfortunately – are named Edge… I would highly recommend attending both conferences, but if you can’t make it, the Edge conferences are also streamed online for free!
Sep 13, 2013
Responsive Images Meetup – A Subjective Summary
Earlier this week I was at a W3C Responsive Images Community Group (RICG) meetup in Paris. It was a great opportunity to connect with smart folks, some of which I’ve never met before, and I had some great conversations, both as part of the agenda and over drinks.
Apr 29, 2013
What are Responsive Websites made of?
A few weeks ago I tested (again) nearly 500 responsive websites in different resolutions. My test was focused on size differences between resolutions, but looked at the overall page size as a single unit.